Forget about management..
Forget about everything thats spells study
Lets take a trip down onto the other side of life and see what "sane" people have come up with in their free time..
Yummy almost edible USB Drive
Now that USB Thumbdrive has revolutionized our way of "storing" documents or your porn movies(YAMATE!).. Why not make it look delicious? Now.. I'm really hungry..
Soon Li Jia Wei Might Need To Dress Like This *SHUDDSS*
For your info.. This hot Ping Pong player is Naomi Yotsumoto.. The most-talked about ping pong player in Japan right now, and it's not just because of her paddle-swatting skills. She is well known for dress provocatively during matches like that rainbow outift or slutty hot pink suit which screams "Cheerleader". Now thats one athlete.. Sadly she's hot.. But JW's not!
So people.. I will try to update more with interesting stuff..
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Kathleen.. Always on the crazier side.. =)